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25 Aug 19 feast day (2).jpeg

6th Anniversary 
Fellowship Lunch

25 August 2019

A fellowship lunch was held at the DBS Day Boys’ Dining Hall to celebrate our chapel’s 6th Anniversary. About 60 congregation members joined the special occasion. It was great to see many young families and their children – the future pillars of our church. A big thank you to The Very Revd Kwok Keung Chan, Kelvin Lau, Michelle Lee, James Kam, and Raymond Wong, for their wonderful sharing, and all the volunteers and participants who extended their support that day.


A profession of gratitude and love

The Very Revd Kwok Keung Chan led our congregation in a prayer of thanks and love before a delicious lunch.

Social Time

A good opportunity for SAC families to get together. 


Our congregation members enjoyed their meal as well as the family fellowship.

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A Daughter Church of Holy Trinity Cathedral

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Diocese of Eastern Kowloon, Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui (Anglican, Episcopal)

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