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28 August
Feast of St Augustine,
Confirmation and
9th Anniversary of
St Augustine's Chapel
Today, eleven brothers and sisters affirm their faith in Jesus Christ as we celebrate the 9th anniversary of SAC. We are honoured to have The Rt Rev Dr Timothy Kwok, Bishop of Diocese of Eastern Kowloon, celebrating and preaching at the service.

Lai Yi, Ka Ho, Oi Kei, Ho Chung,
Wai Sze, Jennifer, Joyce, Ambrose, Andrew, Charlotte and Alex!

Congratulations !
Today, we celebrate the baptism of Ho Chung, Joyce, Lai Yi, Wai Sze, Ambrose, Audrey, Adrian, Bethany, Bevis, Cheree, Adriel, Andres, Archie, Tsz Yui and Tsz Wai, as they declare their faith and begin a new journey with God.
3 July
Sunday School graduation and award ceremony
Well done children, and a huge thank you to all Sunday School teachers for another successful year full of love and fun.

5 June Pentecost with Baptism
Jesus said, 'I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.' John 10.10

Prayer over the water

A lighted candle is given to the newly baptised, signalling the beginning of a new life

2 January - First Service in 2022 The Epiphany of the Lord, 2nd Sunday after Christmas
Juanna Yin (middle) started with a new year greeting to our congregation at the announcement.
She prayed that the pandemic would be brought under control.
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