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Our Story

St. Augustine’s Chapel (“SAC”), the new DBS school chapel, was completed in 2012. Located in the IB Building, SAC is the first custom-built school chapel in the history of DBS.


Prior to SAC, different parts of the school buildings were adapted for use as the school chapel at different times, the last being the George She Memorial Chapel (previously the Old Chapel) on the lower ground floor of the main school building. This was where the boarding school’s evensong or Eucharist service, and other religious activities of the School were held for many decades.

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Quiet time at the Old Chapel (from STEPS 1989)

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Christian Fellowship at the Old Chapel (from STEPS 1989)

Reunions and thanksgiving services for different class years also took place at the George She Memorial Chapel over the years.

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Thanksgiving service of Class’84 on their 25th anniversary in 2009 in the Old Chapel

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The altar and other fixtures of the George She Memorial Chapel found a home as the side altar within SAC.  

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There was also the New Bishop Hall Open Chapel on the lower ground floor of the New New Wing building. That was consecrated by Bishop Gilbert Baker in 1966.

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The consecration, 1966

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New Bishop Hall Open Chapel, New New Wing building

Mr S J Lowcock, former Headmaster of DBS (1961-83), handcrafted a Cross which is now placed at the foyer of SAC.

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In 2011, a group of old boys made a donation for the purchase of a new chapel organ.


The donation was presented to the School at the 2011 School Fete.

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A donation plaque is installed at SAC in recognition of the contribution of those old boys.

The new school chapel was consecrated on 10 July 2012 with the name Chapel of St Augustine of Hippo, proposed by Dean Samson Fan of All Saints Cathedral. Along with members of DBS and the DBS chaplaincy, the Right Revd Bishop Thomas Soo, Bishop of Western Kowloon, and his Grace Archbishop Dr Paul Kwong, were present. The Right Revd Bishop Louis Tsui consecrated and blessed the chapel building, assisted by Revd Dr Bill Robertson and Dean Fan, with the Revd Jonathan Chee as Deacon and the Revd Jonathan Lue as Subdeacon. After blessing all fixtures, particularly the side chapel, the altars and baptismal font, the Archbishop also blessed the Gospel Book, a gift by the Diocese of Eastern Kowloon.


Consecration of SAC, 2012


Since then, SAC has been in regular use for various year-group activities

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G12 Graduation Service 2016

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G7 Holy Spirit Healing Service 2019

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In 2012, Bishop Tsui, the Supervisor and Chairman of School Committee of DBS and Bishop of the Diocese of Eastern Kowloon, and Revd Dr Bill Robertson, the Chaplain of DBS, envisioned building a worshipping community at the DBS school chapel for DBS boys, their parents and old boys, and members of the Holy Trinity Cathedral and diocese. A series of mission planning meetings were held, chaired by Bishop Tsui and attended by Dean Fan, Revd Kwok Keung Chan, and Mr Ronnie Cheng, Headmaster of DBS. The Archbishop gave his blessing and support for establishing SAC as an extension of the worship life and evangelistic mission of the Holy Trinity Cathedral. Revd Dr Robertson was also appointed priest-in-charge of SAC and licensed by Bishop Tsui. SAC was confirmed as an English congregation.


At 10.30am on Sunday, 13 January 2013, the first English Eucharist was celebrated by Revd Dr Robertson with Mr James Kam as organist.


The service was attended by DBS students and old boys, members of the Holy Trinity Cathedral, and members of the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui. This marked the beginning of the Anglican tradition at SAC. 

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SAC has since grown into a lively and thriving community of young families and their children.

Recognising the importance of nurturing God’s children, Revd Dr Robertson sought support from Ms Phyllis Lo, Headteacher of DBS Primary Division, to recruit some parents from the primary division to start the SAC Sunday School. Among them, Ms Juanna Yin was invited to lead the SAC Sunday School. With support from volunteer teachers, the first lesson was conducted on Sunday, 1 December 2013. 

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Sunday School lesson

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First award ceremony, summer 2015

In 2014, the DSOBA Choir made a donation for the choir stalls in SAC. The DSOBA Choir has established a tradition to perform in the annual Remembrance Sunday service at SAC since 2014.

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DSOBA Choir sang at the Remembrance Sunday Service in 2016

Donataion plague in recognition of DBS old boys

On 6 August, 2014, Revd Dr Robertson and members of SAC presented to Dean Hin Cheung Chan and Chapter of Holy Trinity Cathedral the DBS crest, representing our foundation as a daughter and mission church of Holy Trinity Cathedral, pledging allegiance to the diocese of Eastern Kowloon.

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As the worshipping community grew, Revd Dr Robertson formed the Congregation Working Group in 2015. With himself as chairperson, he appointed members of the congregation to the Working Group. Revd Dr Robertson encouraged members of the congregation to begin evangelistic mission among DBS students and their parents, and DBS old boys. These included speaking weekly at the school assembly and assistance in DBS Christian Fellowship. Mr Kelvin Lau was asked to lead and train the Servers.

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When the Right Revd Bishop Timothy Kwok was installed as Bishop of Eastern Kowloon, he continued to support and expanded the work of SAC. Bishop Kwok appointed Revd Kwok Keung Chan as priest-in-charge upon retirement of Revd Dr Robertson in 2017, assisted by Cathedral chaplains the Revd Kwok Kuen Lee and Revd Dr Richard Tsang. Revd Chan was also appointed as DBS chaplain by the School Committee.  

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As the congregation grew, the evangelistic and nurturing needs expanded. Revd Chan enlarged the Congregation Working Group. In 2019, Bishop Kwok appointed Ms Shirley Yeung as Choir Mistress. In September 2020, the Revd Canon Dr Eric Chong was appointed associate priest, followed by the Revd Catherine Graham as honorary associate priest. In May 2021, the Revd Franklin Lee, Sub-dean of Holy Trinity Cathedral, was appointed priest-in-charge. The House of Bishops confirmed SAC as the daughter church of Holy Trinity Cathedral on 26 August 2021. In future, there will be SAC representatives in the Holy Trinity Cathedral church council. 

Mr Tak Ching Tai was appointed as the new DBS chaplain starting in the new school year in September 2021. At the same time, Revd Lee invited Mr Tai to join the SAC Working Group.

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DBS Chaplains from 1919

A Daughter Church of Holy Trinity Cathedral

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Diocese of Eastern Kowloon, Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui (Anglican, Episcopal)

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