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The Baptism of Christ
Sunday Service - Sung Eucharist
12 January 2025

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Servers Team Recruitment


We are now recruiting servers. Also sometimes known as the “acolyte”, an altar server is a lay assistant to a member of the clergy during the Eucharist and other services. An altar server attends to supporting tasks at the altar such as fetching and carrying, thurifying, ringing the altar bell, helping bring up the gifts, brings up the book, among other things. While the function of the altar server is sometimes associated with children, it is also carried out by people of any age or gender. For those who are baptised or even confirmed and aged 10 or above, if you want to join this sacred job, please contact Lauren Fong or Kelvin Lau.


Choir Members Recruitment


The Chapel Choir always welcomes new members who love singing with commitment in serving God. We practice regularly on Sunday at 9am before joining the 10:30am service. Interested individuals are welcome to contact our Choir-mistress Ms Shirley Yeung (


Sunday School


We welcome children who are 3 years old or above. Their parents/guardians must attend the Sunday Service at the chapel simultaneously. 


Service arrangements in times of typhoons and rainstorms

Cathedral News



The pew sheet of Holy Trinity Cathedral, our mother church, is available on their website.

Province/Diocese News

Echo - the HKSKH News Paper (Online version)

Click for English or Chinese


The Daily Word


“Nothing can separate us from God’s love!  Through the Word of God, we can connect with each other in spirit.” —— Archbishop Andrew Chan


Beginning from 17 February this year, our Provincial clergy prepares a programme called “The Daily Word” for all brothers and sisters in the early morning every day. The programme will include spiritual reading and pastoral sharing, accompanied by meditative paintings and contemplative music.  This is to help us keep six or seven minutes of silence each day, from Monday to Saturday, whereupon we can encounter God, receive nourishment through the Word of God which will strengthen us so that we may rise up to meet the challenges of our daily life.


“Looking forward to partaking in our spiritual sharing online.”


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