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Sunday School

Nurturing the spiritual growth of our children

St Augustine’s Chapel Sunday School was set up in 2013 to serve the children of our congregation.


We welcome children aged 3 to 12.

Our mission is to pass the Word of God to the next generation and teach them to apply God’s Word in their daily lives.


We encourage the whole family to experience the valuable church life and worship God together.

Every Sunday, the whole family begin their worship by singing the first hymn in the chapel at 10:30am. Children will then be led to their classrooms; they will re-join their families after the Communion.


Our major medium of instruction of English, supplemented with Cantonese. 


Kindergarten Class

The lesson will usually correspond with the lectionary of that Sunday. Thus, the scriptures they learn will be the same as those heard by the adults in the sermon. We encourage parents to discuss the scriptures with their children, and grow together spiritually along the process.


The material we use is “Godly Play”. Based on Montessori principles, it helps to enhance the spiritual experiences of children through wonder and play.


Primary Class

Children will explore a specific topic every term using the curriculum “Discipleship Jr”. 


Topics in the past include how to look for God in every circumstance of their lives, learning God’s character through a study of His names and appreciating the value of obedience and the power of trusting God to run the race of life with purpose.

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Friendly atmosphere

Our classes are structured in a fun and dynamic way. We have praying time, story session, arts & craft, and snack time every lesson. A small gift will be awarded for every five punctual attendance.


Graduation ceremony will be held at the end of each school year to commend students’ efforts. Parents will be invited to see their children’s works over the year and award certificates will be given to those with regular attendance.

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Please complete the registration form and email it to We will then contact you via Whatsapp/email.


Children would need to have passed their 3rd birthday and be well toilet-trained.

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