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To Love is to Serve
We visited the SKH Tsuen Wan St James elderly daycare centre on 21 September 2019. This volunteering excursion is our response to one of HKSKH's five marks of mission - “to respond to human needs by loving service”.
More than 30 elderlies joined the event, and 30 volunteers from our Chapel participated to serve the elderlies. SAC families also donated gifts and vitamins to the elderlies at the centre.
An opening prayer was led by The Very Revd Kwok Keung Chan, which was dedicated to the elderlies of the centre.
Then, our young volunteers showcased their music talents. A magic show was also put up to the enjoyment of the audience. Several rounds of exciting and much anticipated BINGO games hosted by our volunteers was enjoyed by the elderlies. Much to the elderlies' joy, cakes and delicious snacks were served. Our volunteers checked the dietary needs of the elderlies and patiently helped them with their meals. The elderlies had an enjoyable morning, and our volunteers learnt a valuable lesson of serving and loving those in need. We thank God for the eager serving attitude of our church members and for His provisions of the helpful staff at the daycare centre.
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