Church News
Service Involvement Form
As a member of the St. Augustine's Chapel family, your help in any service listed below will contribute to our concerted efforts in offering our best worship and love to God our Father in Heaven and to our brothers and sisters here on earth! Please fill out the online form indicating which worship service roles and SAC community life and nurture roles you could serve in:
Cathedral News
聖三一座堂 - 青少年主日學 實體開課
地點:聖三一座堂 703室
查詢及聯絡:青少年部 部長黃啟榮 或致電2713 5221
Cathedral News
聖三一座堂 - 青少年主日學 實體開課
時間:每主日上午11:00-下午12:30 地點:聖三一座堂 703室
查詢及聯絡:青少年部 部長黃啟榮 或致電2713 5221
Province/Diocese News
The Diocese of Eastern Kowloon / “Loving Souls – Spiritual Care Project” / SOUL Time PEACE~靈.靜時刻
七感靈修~回歸身心靈的整全 – 靈修工作坊(2021年6-9月)
SOUL Time PEACE spiritual workshops (June to September 2021)
The June classes of this series have started and are full, please enrol in the July-September classes.
各工作坊於東九龍教區的「寧謐處.靜修園」~靜修中心 進行
The workshops will be held in the retreat centre located at The Church of St John the Baptist (103 Po Lam Road North, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories).
Please note that the workshops will be conducted in Cantonese only.